At-Taqwa Bookstore/ which is enganged in sale and purchase of books. Store can be reported financial statements and reports in a computerized inventory program. Store in preparing its financial statements still have manual and computerized inventory reports. Selection based companies as much as three small and medium enterprises located in the West Sumatra Department Mother Store is a trading Which types of retail business and the products sold are daily necessities.ĭuring this Mother Dept. Visual Basic is a programming applications are easy to write program based on Microsoft Windows will be realible, because the study will be found in the use of logic and computer skills used in everyday activities in a company. For result / reports of all transactions stored earlier will be displayed by using Crystal Report. With visual Basic as the form used to input the transaction occurred at the company, then the data has been inputted will be saved into Microsoft Access database. The combination of Visual Basic and Microsoft Access is one of the main program that can make this happen. For that we need to use a program that can accommodate any transactions or activities that exist in that company. So that mothers can manage household expenses and financial planning well.Every company, especially small and medium-sized trading companies want financial stalements that can be rapidly available and accurate. The results of this PKM proved that women in Ciater Village could master how to make simple financial reports quickly and well and increase their determination and concern for financial records in their respective families. By being given explanations and training on how to manage finances to make simple financial reports, the participants were enthusiastic about participating in PKM. The target of this service is all PKK women, residents of Ciater Serpong Village, most of whom still do not understand in managing finances and doing simple financial reporting in their households. In addition, the participating mothers will be able to manage and plan finances in their household effectively and efficiently. The Community Service Program provided is a way of making simple financial statements for PKK women in Ciater Village, which aims to prepare PKK women in Ciater Serpong Village to be able to independently record family finances effectively and efficiently.